Following our successful fringe meeting at the Scottish Spring Conference in Perth, the Social Liberal Forum (Scotland) will hold a further meeting in Glasgow. The venue is Room 9 in Partick Burgh Hall, from 10.30am to 12.30pm on Saturday 25 June. The meeting will be open to all card-carrying Liberal Democrats but we obviously hope that a high percentage of SLF members will attend.
The aim of the meeting is to canvass opinion as to how best to progress social liberal objectives within the Scottish Party.
The agenda is not yet fixed and further details and a venue map will be notified later; however I am able to confirm that we have secured Robert Brown as a speaker. Robert has served the Scottish Parliament as Convenor of the Education Committee and as Deputy Minister for Education and Young People. He was Liberal Democrat Spokesperson on Justice in the past Parliament.
There will be no charge for attendance but you may find a bucket collection is taken!
Please contact me if you have any queries.
Norman Fraser
Interim Secretary
The Social Liberal Forum (Scotland)
Tel: 0141-946-4102
Email: [email protected]