The next coalition negotiations
May 28, 2013 9:00 AM
Former SDP/Liberal Democrat but now Blairite Labour Peer Andrew Adonis has written a book, "Five days in May," in which he describes, from the Labour Party perspective, the hapless discussions with his former party on the remote possibility of a Lib-lab coalition after the 2010 election. Based on his experience of the total unpreparedness of the Labour Party for such discussions, he very sensibly suggests that all parties should prepare their positions for negotiation in the event that th -
Guardian, 23/02/13 - does your political party listen to you?
May 24, 2013 10:29 AM
SLF Council member Mathew Hulbert told The Guardian about being listened to as a Liberal Democrat activist:[W]e remain the most democratic political party. Our annual conferences – and, therefore, us, the grassroots members and activists – continue to make party policy and, a good deal of the time, this is is what forms government policy... ...[I]f I'm honest, the gap between ordinary members and the party leadership/ministers appears to be growing. The coalition has force
On wages, income and employment
May 22, 2013 9:07 AM
Rejoice! There was -
Do this or the kitten gets it ! Why “taming the Tories” won’t work
May 21, 2013 4:00 PM
Over the last few months, Lib Dem activists have been increasingly urged to emphasise the things we are stopping the Conservatives doing. We are told to make a virtue out of being the brakes, or at least the gears, that prevent full speed, full scale right-wingery. It may be true. The problem though is that as a message this is rubbish. I don’t mean that it’s not a good idea to restrain the Tories. Of course it is. I don’t mean that activists don’t like to hear this. Of course they do. Bu -
Invest today, grow tomorrow - NIESR research shows part of the way forward
May 15, 2013 2:38 PM
That the UK economy -
Race equality – a new Liberal Democrat approach: SLF/EMLD Conference
May 14, 2013 10:53 AM
*UPDATE 10/06/13 - you can read reaction to this successful conference here - more extensive write-up to follow! This article first appeared at Lib Dem Voice - tickets for the conference referred to can be booked at -
SLF in conversation with: Steve Webb MP, Minister for Pensions
May 10, 2013 2:35 PM
Steve Webb spoke to SLF Council member and pensions expert Janice Turner, before many of Steve's pensions reforms - supported by the Social Liberal Forum - were announced in last week's Queen's Speech. Being a minister at the Department for Work and Pensions must be a tough gig at the best of times, and never more so in the midst -
Selling ourselves short - privatising RBS would be an opportunity missed
May 09, 2013 10:01 AM
There was little in -
Putting social liberal values into action
May 06, 2013 9:33 AM
The Social Liberal Forum campaigns for policies that promote social justice and to narrow gaps in opportunity and power between the rich and poor, as a way of freeing society from poverty, ignorance and conformity. As we launch this new blog today, and reflect on the future of social liberalism, we begin by exploring how our values can translate into effective policy. Last week Nick Clegg wrote that