The first meeting of the newly-formed East Midlands branch of the Social Liberal Forum will take place on Saturday, December 3rd, 2011, at the Leicester Secular Society building, on Humberstone Gate in the city, starting at 7pm.
This first meeting will be informal and will seek to set out what the aims are for the regional branch, how we can further Social Liberal values/policies in our region and feed into the national organisation and the regional and federal parties, we'll also hopefully have one or two speakers and be inviting people to become involved with East Midlands SLF (we'll be looking in the first few meetings to form a steering group of around eight people, from across the region.)
Regional Organiser, Mathew Hulbert, says: "I'm really excited that we've been able to arrange our first meeting and hope to see a good number of SLF members/supporters from across the region coming along and getting involved."
He went on, "Socially Liberal values have never been more needed, as we seek to balance our role in Coalition Government with the Conservatives with the need to ensure we remain a radical and progressive party, with socially liberal principles as our core foundation."
Anyone wanting more information can contact Mathew via: [email protected] (just the one 't') or via Twitter: @mathewhulbert