Bloggers attending the SLF Conference in Manchester on Saturday 13th July have posted comments. Some of them interviewed Steve Webb over the lunch break.
A Question of Fairness by Mark Jewell
Interview with Steve Webb at the Social Liberal Forum Conference by Maelo Manning on Lib Dem Child
Social Liberal Forum Conference in Manchester : a different experience by Louise Shaw on From one of the Jilted Generation
Reflections on the Social Liberal Forum conference by Gareth Epps on Liberal Democrat Voice
The Steve Webb interview: How I built a modern, inclusive, liberal State Pension system by Caron Lindsay on Liberal Democrat Voice
Pensions questions: l'esprit de l'escalier by Peter Wrigley on Keynesian Liberal
Steve Webb at the Social Liberal Conference by Iain Brodie-Browne on Birkdale Focus
Social Liberal Forum, Radical Reform Group : 60 years apart yet one common mission? by Iain Brodie-Browne on Birkdale Focus
We need a few more, but not too many, Steve Webbs by Mark Pack
More to come!