The Social Liberal Forum (Scotland) is holding a Conference in Glasgow on Saturday June 29.   Our speakers this year include Craig Harrow the Convener of the Scottish Liberal Democrats The sessions will include:
  • Skivers or Strivers:  the causes of poverty in Scotland
  • Independence, the debate we aren’t having?
  • The Coalition, the record and the future
  • Building the Party through 2017
Other speakers will be Cllr. Robert Brown, Peter Kelly of Poverty Alliance and Blair Jenkins of Yes Scotland. The Conference will be held in Partick Burgh Hall, Burgh Hall St, Glasgow G11 5LW.  Details of the venue and access to it can be found here:  The Burgh Hall is easily and conveniently reached by rail from the central belt and Edinburgh. The Conference will run from 10.30am to 4.30pm and there will be a charge of £10.00 (LYS £5.00) which includes a buffet lunch.  Payment can be made on the day but please let me know you are coming so that we have figures for the buffet. Please contact me if you have any queries. Norman Fraser is Organiser of the Social Liberal Forum and can be reached on: Tel:  0141-946-4102 Email:  [email protected]
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