Hope you had a good summer. With the conference season now in full sway, we just wanted to let you know about the Social Liberal Forum's own plans next week. Please do come to our fringe meeting next Monday.
The Social Liberal Forum will be holding a joint fringe meeting with Compass on Monday 21 September at 20:15-21:15 in Connaught 1, the Connaught Hotel. "Overcoming political barriers to equality" will feature Steve Webb MP and Neal Lawson, the Chair of Compass and author of All Consuming.
Full details are available on Facebook, Flock Together and Ning. As well as attending, we would really appreciate it if you would also help promote it by inviting your friends to attend.
At the Labour Party conference the following week, Evan Harris MP will be speaking at another joint event with Compass and the Social Liberal Forum at the Lowy Suite, Best Western Brighton Hotel on Wednesday 30 September at 12:45-13:45. If you are attending Labour conference or live in Brighton, it would be great to see you there.
Over the last few weeks we have added two more chapters from Reinventing the State: "Equality Matters", by Duncan Brack and "Reforming the NHS - a local and democratic choice" by Richard Grayson. In its second printing, Reinventing the State is currently available direct from the publishers Methuen at the discount price of £10.
We are always on the lookout for new material to put on the Social Liberal Forum website. If you would like to write a short article, please send a 50-100 word summary of what you would like to write to [email protected].
Many thanks to the dozens of you who have joined our Social Network over the past few weeks. If you have not done so already, please do: http://socialliberal.ning.com/
We're planning to use this network to develop meetings and activities in your local area. The more people who sign up, the more we can do.
The Social Liberal Forum will be holding a joint fringe meeting with Compass on Monday 21 September at 20:15-21:15 in Connaught 1, the Connaught Hotel. "Overcoming political barriers to equality" will feature Steve Webb MP and Neal Lawson, the Chair of Compass and author of All Consuming.
Full details are available on Facebook, Flock Together and Ning. As well as attending, we would really appreciate it if you would also help promote it by inviting your friends to attend.
At the Labour Party conference the following week, Evan Harris MP will be speaking at another joint event with Compass and the Social Liberal Forum at the Lowy Suite, Best Western Brighton Hotel on Wednesday 30 September at 12:45-13:45. If you are attending Labour conference or live in Brighton, it would be great to see you there.
Over the last few weeks we have added two more chapters from Reinventing the State: "Equality Matters", by Duncan Brack and "Reforming the NHS - a local and democratic choice" by Richard Grayson. In its second printing, Reinventing the State is currently available direct from the publishers Methuen at the discount price of £10.
We are always on the lookout for new material to put on the Social Liberal Forum website. If you would like to write a short article, please send a 50-100 word summary of what you would like to write to [email protected].
Many thanks to the dozens of you who have joined our Social Network over the past few weeks. If you have not done so already, please do: http://socialliberal.ning.com/
We're planning to use this network to develop meetings and activities in your local area. The more people who sign up, the more we can do.