Introduction by Regional Organiser, Cllr Mathew Hulbert.
Hello everyone and welcome to the brand new East Midlands page, here on the Social Liberal Forum website.
I recently took on setting up and organising the regional branch of SLF here in our region.
For those who might live outside the region, the East Midlands comprises Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, and Northamptonshire.
Coming up soon we'll be putting on our first event in the region, so keep it here for details.
I will be endeavouring to be in touch with as many of you as I can in the coming weeks and months and, all being well, will be making a presentation/having a stall at the next East Midlands regional conference.
You can contact me via: [email protected]
A brief introduction to me: I joined the Liberal Democrats in March 2010, campaigned as part of Bosworth PPC Michael Mullaney's team in the run-up to the 2010 General Election (where Michael gained one of the largest swings to the Lib Dems in the country), I joined the Social Liberal Forum shortly after that.
I became an officer on the Bosworth Party exec and, then, a candidate for the village where I live; Barwell, Leicestershire.
In May 2011 I was elected to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council and Barwell Parish Council.
I'm HBBC's Children and Young People's Champion and Vice Chairman of Barwell Parish Council.
In September 2011 I was co-opted onto the Lib Dems' East Midlands regional excutive and, at regional conference in October 2011, I was elected in my own right to the position of Regional Media Co-Ordinator.
I'm very much a Social Liberal (you'll be glad to hear) and am looking forward to the challenge of setting up the regional branch and feeding into the national work of SLF.
I look forward to talking to and hearing from many of you soon.