SLF Conference 2016
Inequality Street
The 2016 Beveridge Lecture was given by Vince Cable and can be watched here.
Saturday 16th July 2016
10.30am to 5pm
Join us for a day of debate and networking with fellow Lib Dems on the important topic of social and economic inequality in the UK today.
The day will now start with a discussion on 'Leave the EU - what next?' with contributions from Party President Baroness Sal Brinton, Baroness Lindsay Northover, Lord Jonny Oates and Shiv Malik from The Guardian.
Inequality Street
After an early lunch we will develop the theme of Inequality. We are delighted to announce that Sir Vince Cable will give the William Beveridge Memorial Lecture. He will be joined by Norman Lamb MP, Baroness Claire Tyler, , Sue Derbyshire (former Leader of Stockport Council), Neal Lawson from Compass, Bill Kerry from The Equality Trust, Karin Robinson from Democrats Abroad UK and many more excellent speakers from the Social Liberal Forum, the Liberal Democrats and from campaigning groups.
We have planned the conference in conjunction with The Equality Trust, which was set up to take forward the ideas in The Spirit Level by Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett. The day will offer a mixture of plenary sessions and smaller breakout sessions - the latter will have no more than two speakers each so there will be plenty of time for discussion.
Resource for London
356 Holloway Road
London, N7 6PA
The venue is just a few minutes from Holloway Road Tube Station, which is two stops from King’s Cross / St Pancras on the Piccadilly line.
How much?
Early Bird: £40
Concessions: £15.
Rates include tea, coffee & lunch.
Are you a member of SLF?
The Social Liberal Forum has launched a new membership scheme and we would be delighted if you could join us. Our conference is open to all Liberal Democrats, but by joining the SLF you will support our work and help us to put on events like this and fringe meetings at Federal Conference. SLF members are also able to stand for the SLF Council and vote in internal elections.
Click here to become a member of SLF.
Click here to book your place at the SLF Conference.
If you would prefer to book offline then please contact our Treasurer, Mark Blackburn, on [email protected].