Julian Huppert MP says about Sian:

'Sian would be terrific on Federal Executive. She is clear and forward thinking - just what we need'.

Three reasons to vote for Sian


Members should all feel able to influence policy, shape the party and hold it to account. This needs open, accountable and clear party structures and debates. 

Sian has spoken on One Member One Vote at party conference in 2014 and she has campaigned for a greater say by members in how we select our peers. 

We need more members, and greater diversity of members to reflect the diversity of the UK.   We must support members across the UK in campaigning and gaining political ground, on good messages. 


We need a party fit for purpose and one that can refresh and rebuild itself. This means bringing forward clearer structures in the party so we can move forward, handle challenges and inspire confidence in members and the voters alike. 

We need clear messages on civil liberties, social justice, the environment and our place in the world presented with a compelling vision for a more liberal country, one free from poverty, ignorance and conformity. 

Sian has written and spoken on many of these themes on Lib Dem Voice and at conference. She brings the purpose and experience needed to help FE to play a renewed role in the direction of the party.


Sian is a good local politician, winning a higher share of vote than any other Lib Dem in Cambridge in her 2012 re-election.  

She has strong political priorities; as Leader of the Council at a time of austerity and insecurity she put protecting services for the vulnerable at the top of the council’s priorities. She led purposeful climate change and growth programmes in Cambridge. 

Sian has real experience of managing large and small organisations in public, voluntary and private sectors as they grow and adapt to changing circumstances and opportunities

www.sianreid.com        @sianreid27

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