September 9th, 2021, at 7PM via ZOOM

How can we achieve a just transition that shares the burdens of decarbonisation equitably?  How can we use pricing tools to help address the climate crisis – without making poverty worse ? How do we tackle fuel poverty and help those who want to change their carbon footprint, but lack the resources to do so? How do we use carbon pricing to tackle the biggest polluters and provide support and help to householders to switch? Can we combine carbon pricing with other approaches to get better, quicker outcomes?  This webinar will explore the proposals in the Liberal Democrat draft policy  paper ‘ Tacking the Climate Emergency: Proposals for Carbon Pricing.’


The event will be chaired by Lord Oates, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Energy and Climate Change.

Our speaker will be Duncan Brack. Duncan is an independent environmental policy analyst who has been a special advisor at the UK Dept for Energy and Climate Change and headed the Chatham House Sustainable Development Programme.

You can register for the event at this link.


September 09, 2021 at 7:00pm - 8pm

