Please support this amendment to F28: Stimulating Growth in the Digital Economy, which you will find on pages 33-35 of the Conference Agenda.
If you are a conference representative, then please add your 'signature' by filling in the form below. Thank you!
Amendment to F28
Insert after line 9
Conference notes that successive Governments have failed to recognise the critical significance of IT in maintaining security, democracy and a healthy economy, and that this lack of focus has resulted in patchy policy development, inefficient procurement and poor utilisation of the opportunities open to us.
Delete lines 47-49 and replace with
5 Taking IT seriously by:
a. Establishing a new Government Department, under Ministerial control, with responsibility for
(i) national and international IT infrastructure
(ii) security, including cyber-terrorism, data security and protection, citizen's rights, Freedom of Information, and online privacy
(iii) open standards and innovation
(iv) IT support services and Communications Technology policy for all government departments, agencies and, where practicable, organisations receiving government funding
(v) promoting business, supporting research and protecting copyright
(vi) e-democracy
In line 51 replace "office" with "Department".