The SLF blog has received the following Valentine’s day message from a secret admirer of the Pensions Minister…

Dear Steve,

Most of the other boys (and girls) in the coalition have been something of a disappointment, but you have been a real star. While too many other Liberal Democrat ministers failed to deliver (House of Lords Reform, PR, drugs law reform) or supported the opposite of what they should have (tuition fees, secret courts, bedroom tax), you alone have delivered a truly Liberal agenda.

No more will British workers be discouraged from saving for retirement because of complex means-tested benefits, nor will they lose huge chunks of their savings to ludicrously large 'management' fees. And when they get to the finish line, their pension pots will be there to do with as they please, not automatically swapped for bad value annuities.

If only all ministers could be like you Steve - this government could have been a shining example of what Liberalism can achieve.

Keep on, keeping on Professor Webb.


A Liberal admirer



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