SLF Council Elections Timetable, Autumn 2024
Social Liberal Forum Council Elections, Nominations now open up to 2nd November.
Nominations are now open for the biennial election to the SLF Council. The Council is the governing body of the SLF and meets about 6 times a year. Meetings are generally by Zoom, but we hope that members of the new Council will participate in physical/hybrid meetings including the proposed Away weekend. Venues are arranged to facilitate attendance by members. SLF will pay travel expenses to meetings on application to the Treasurer.
Nominations must be made and seconded by any members of the SLF. Self-nomination is allowed. All nominators, seconders and nominees must be paid-up members of the SLF on 2 November 2024. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are a paid-up member at close of nominations. Click here to join.
Nominations should be accompanied by an A5 manifesto (max: 2MB). Manifestos will be published on the website before the ballot opens. Nominees must provide email and mailing addresses.
Candidates may campaign for election by electronic means and by conversation with members. The SLF membership list will not be released to candidates. In such communications, a candidate must not defame or denigrate any other candidate, directly or by implication, subject to exclusion from the ballot. The decision of the Returning Officer on this and all other matters shall be final.
Voting will be conducted using electronic ballot papers, but members may apply to the Returning Officer for a paper ballot.
Officers of the SLF are elected by Council at the first meeting. They form the executive group, responsible to the Council which decides on the SLF’s strategy and direction. Attendance at Council meetings should be a priority for members, but we recognise that occasionally members who find it difficult to attend meetings may be able to make a useful contribution to the Council’s work.
This is a working body. Council members are expected to share responsibility for the SLF’s work. Tasks include media representation, website management, online events organisation, publications including books, social media, organisation of SLF Conferences, influencing the Liberal Democrats, LibDem Conference fringe meetings, presence at LibDem Conferences and events, policy and ideas development, liaison with other organisations, and SLF regional groups. This includes working and task groups. It may help your chances of election if you indicate in your manifesto which tasks you are willing to undertake.
The SLF is governed by a constitution which is available to read here.
Nominations should be sent to the Returning Officer, Theo Butt Philip, at [email protected], or post to;
Theo Butt Philip, 27 Churchill Road, Wells, Somerset, BA5 3HZ.
All nominations will be acknowledged.
You have to be a paid-up member of SLF by 1700 on 2 November in order to stand as a candidate or receive a ballot. Click here to join.
Election timetable
Nominations close by 2nd November at 5pm.
Voting takes place:
3rd of Nov to 24th Nov
Results declared:
25th Nov
First meeting of new council:
Wed 11th Dec on Zoom at 7.30pm.
Council away weekend:
Jan 18th / 19th 2025. This will be an in person event with Zoom access for those who can't attend.