The Social Liberal Forum conference 2012 - held on July 14th and with the theme of social justice across the generations - was a resounding success. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg MP began proceedings by delivering the inaugural William Beveridge memorial lecture, and he was followed by a succession of interesting and stimulating contributions from Secretaries and Ministers of State, academics, party activists and experts from many different fields. This rolling blog will cover reaction to the event, and will be updated as more blogs/articles come to our attention - please use the comments section below to let us know more! Conference previews: Reactions during and after the conference: Thanks to Tracy Connell who recorded Nick Clegg's William Beveridge Memorial Lecture on 'How Liberal Democrats in Government are addressing Beveridge's "five giant evils" (Want, Disease, Ignorance, Squalor and Idleness)' Here are some photos from the event: Please comment below to alert us to any other coverage you may have written or see, we'll update this page when you do! Disclaimer: the Social Liberal Forum is not responsible for the content linked to here; the views represented are those of the authors alone and linking to them does not necessarily imply endorsement.
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