Despite the welcome and significant changes to the Health & Social Care Bill that Lib Dem parliamentarians have secured, there remain serious concerns both within the party, Parliament and the l-medical-colleges-nhs-reforms?newsfeed=true" target="_blank">medical profession about the impact and timing of the reforms.
As the House of Lords prepares for report stage, it is right and proper for the party, from grassroots to leadership, to debate whether the damaging elements of the Bill have been sufficiently tamed, and whether further amendments can be sought in the Lords, to bring the reforms back in line with the Coalition Agreement and party policy as determined at spring conference last year.
The party needs to debate whether in the absence of such further changes, and considering the substantial changes already underway on the NHS front-line, the Bill can retain Lib Dem support - the Social Liberal Forum will continue to support the likes of Graham Winyard, Charles West, Evan Harris and Shirley Williams as they seek to secure that debate.
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